Marc Alyari
Senior Consultant
Graduate of the University of Paris VI (DEA of Robotics), research assistant at the University of California, Berkeley, holder of a Master in Automated Production and an Executive MBA (ESSEC), Marc Alyari began his career in applied research at the University of Bordeaux, where he also teaches computer science and electronics. He then moved to the private sector and worked successively as a Project Manager in Oilfield Services, Telecom and Smart Cards at Schlumberger. He then joined In-Fusio, the first start-up to introduce downloadable games on mobile phones, in which he organizes and manages R&D teams. His interest in customer satisfaction naturally led him to sales activities and deployment of gaming services at SFR and then at Bouygues Telecom.
He later steered his career towards Product Marketing at Webraska, a specialist in GPS navigation.
He collaborates with Orange for the implementation of the first added value paid services integrated into the mobile application. When the company is bought by Masternaut, the European leader in Telematics, he takes the responsibility of embedded solutions in the vehicle. He initiates and coordinates partnerships with subcontractors in China and Taiwan and leads teams in France, the
United Kingdom and Eastern Europe.
His appetite for managerial efficiency and building of high-performance teams, gradually led him to become a Certified Coach trained by Vincent Lenhardt (TransformancePro – Coach & Team®) and a practitioner of the Systemic and Strategic Approach of Palo Alto and Ericksonian Hypnosis (Gregory Bateson Institute of Paris, representative of the Mental Research Institute of Palo Alto in France).
Member of EMCC and member of the board of Beyond CT, Marc Alyari brings his know-how within
the firm as part of our Managerial Support and Assessment services.